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The Future of AI and Digitalisation in Air Cargo

Article submitted by: Awery Aviation Software – a TIACA Corporate Member

Written by: Vitaly Smilianets, Founder and CEO, Awery Aviation Software

Only a few years ago excitement over the burgeoning potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the air cargo sector might have been met with stifled laughter, but today generative AI is already capable of automating everything from warehouse operations to cargo routing, capacity optimisation, and dynamic rates distribution.

Increased digitalisation in the industry has meant rapid growth in data, data that provides the digital nourishment to allow AI to play an increasingly vital role in processing, analytics, and predictive modelling, enabling the industry to adapt more quickly.

But it is important to listen to the understandable concerns voiced by workers that digitalisation and AI mean a one-way superhighway to a human-less air cargo industry.

The value of AI lies not in replacing air cargo people, but in freeing up people to focus on the future.

AI’s primary role is to remove mundane, manual processes and to automate routine tasks, comparable to the role of an aircraft’s auto pilot system.

Being freer from routine and repetitive tasks which can now be powered by AI, aviation professionals, in turn, will be able to focus more on strategic initiatives, value-added activities, and safety and planning, where human expertise and creativity provides a better result.

Looking back

For years, air cargo operations had been hampered by inertia, and plagued by inefficiencies stemming from outdated communication methods.

Despite the leaps and bounds made in other areas of technology, the air cargo industry still predominantly relied on email as its primary mode of communication.

This reliance on manual, time-consuming processes not only hampered efficiency, but also stunted the industry’s ability to adapt to the rapidly evolving landscape.

But the impact of AI extends far beyond just improving communication.

By leveraging AI, aviation stakeholders can make quicker and more informed decisions, leading to increased optimisation and efficiency within pre-set parameters managed by human intelligence and guidance.

Recent reports have highlighted the immediate benefits AI can bring to air cargo operations, with McKinsey estimating potential improvements in load factor ranging from 8-25%.

By automating processes and providing real-time insights and alerts, AI transforms the supply chain into a dynamic, responsive ecosystem where cargo can communicate without the need for extensive human intervention.

In addition, AI holds the key to fostering sustainability and attracting and retaining top talent in the industry.

By automating routine tasks and empowering existing staff to focus on value-added activities, AI not only enhances efficiency but also creates a more attractive and dynamic work environment.

AI technology opens the door for new entrants to the air cargo industry, bringing with them fresh perspectives, skill sets, and experiences that can propel the industry forward.

Awery’s digital solutions serve as an example of how AI-powered technology can be used to revolutionise air cargo processes; eMagic is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool used to convert email and text enquiries from various formats and languages into a standard data format, tackling the aforementioned communication problem in our industry.

In addition, Awery’s tool, CargoBooking, gives instant air cargo quotes and bookings and integrates with all cargo management systems, saving workers from the tedious, lower-value work that has previously come with each booking.

As we look to the future, it’s clear that AI and digitalization will be the driving forces behind the transformation of air cargo. By embracing these technologies, the aviation industry can unlock new levels of efficiency, and sustainability, profitability.

Aviation technology has been a dynamic and evolving space in the last few years, and as we develop this new era in air cargo, the importance of investing in the latest technology cannot be overstated.

In an industry where AI-powered technology has unprecedented potential to transform operations, embracing innovation is not just advantageous, it is essential for survival and growth.