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BeCon Projects - Delivering Value to the Industry

Article submitted by: BeCon Projects – a TIACA Corporate Member

Written by: Kristin Beck, Management Advisor, Becon Projects

Who is BeCon Projects and what does the Air Cargo consultant company stand for? BeCon Projects delivers value to the Air Cargo industry by analyzing how operations can be made more efficient through analyzing operational data and investigating possibilities for refurbishments or upgrades in terms of Material Handling Systems (MHS). It is also focused on IT integration, which must be rigorously planned and implemented to drive automation in conjunction with the MHS. Only when IT solutions are in synch with the way of working on the shop floor and well aligned in terms of interfaces between different applications, can it truly add value for a client. Due to its broad portfolio of services, BeCon’s slogan is: “We revolutionize the Air Cargo industry by delivering integrated consulting solutions out of one hand.” Not only does BeCon Projects focus on data analysis and IT integration, but it also creates architectural pre-designs for cargo facilities, supports in RFP phases to find the right MHS suppliers and offers to manage the projects that clients use to implement new systems. That is what integrated consulting means, the delivery of a service for each step, no matter where a client stands in their journey towards a smoother operation. BeCon Projects helps pave the way to success.

BeCon Projects, a leading Air Cargo Consulting firm, was founded in 2009, and with its Headquarters in Idstein, Germany, consults clients worldwide and is operating 15 cargo projects globally at the moment. Its CEO, Uwe Beck, has held high-level management positions in the industry and has started expanding its team in 2023, adding a new generation to further transform the business and get ready for the future of Air Cargo developments. Contact us under to get to know us better.