The BlueSky Program is a tool that the air cargo industry can use to track their sustainability progress, benchmark against peers and accelerate the industry’s transformation. The BlueSky program, to be launched in phases, is a multi-tiered platform which renews every two years:
- Assessment Guidelines (pdf) – the first tier, is a way for companies to begin their verification and validation through awareness and self-assessment.
- Desktop Verification – the second tier, begins with an online assessment and verification of the documents provided. A performance score in each area will be provided through a company dashboard.
- Onsite Validation – the third tier, includes the desktop verification and an onsite independent audit. A performance score in each area as well as an excellence badge, detailed report with recommendations on how to become more sustainable will be provided through an enhanced company dashboard.
The BlueSky Program aims to benefit not just the individual companies, but future partners and the air cargo industry at large by providing a common vision, transparency and a mechanism to demonstrate how businesses can grow responsibly as well as an improved image of the air cargo industry.