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Southpole - Innovation with Sustainable Practices

Article submitted by: Southpole – Gold Sponsor of the Digital Air Cargo Forum

Written by: Agnieszka Kwolek, Business Development Manager – Aviation & Shipping

2020 has shown us how much we rely on cargo and shipping; seafarers and people behind cargo and logistics are finally being recognised as key workers.

While personal and business travel has been mostly suspended, the transport of our daily essentials – whether by air or sea – has never been more important. After the challenges of 2020, the industry has changed forever. Many organisations will have to adapt their operations, perhaps consolidate with others, and retire older and less fuel-efficient transport fleets.

Already leaders are emerging: companies who innovate with sustainable practices and focus on a green recovery. Smarter use of existing technologies, like lighter packaging, and data-driven decision making for reducing the number of empty legs, create positive results not just for the bottom line, but also the environment and end-customer.

As sustainability becomes mainstream, these activities can fall under the umbrella of Net Zero. South Pole’s recent Net Zero report showed that over the pandemic corporate climate ambition didn’t slow. In fact, it accelerated. While there is reason to celebrate, the hard part has begun: turning Net Zero commitments into action.

Has your business measured its climate footprint, devised a climate action strategy, or set a Net Zero target? Are you facing challenges in pushing climate action up the agenda following a tough year, or has your organisation expedited sustainability?

South Pole, a leading sustainable solutions provider with more than 400 experts across 19 offices worldwide, works to accelerate the low-carbon transition. We work with commercial airlines, business aviation, cargo, airports, fuel providers, postal and logistics companies and are always up to speed with recent developments in climate solutions. See our range of solutions:

For a free consultation drop us an email at: or connect directly via LinkedIn with: Agnieszka Kwolek or Natalia Gorina